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来源:中学生英语 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-08-27
摘要:演讲是展示自己人格魅力的体现,我们该注意哪些演讲的问题呢?我们以下是小编给大家带来上台演讲的中学生两分钟超励志英语演讲稿范文五篇,欢迎大家参考借鉴! 英文演讲稿1 Life



Life is unfair.

Success is not measured on the days when the sun shines. Success is measured on the dark, stormy, cloudy days.

If you can't absorb failure, you're never gonna meet thing about life is it's not always easy, and you can't always win. Some point of your life, it hits you. It hits you really really hard.

The person you love doesn't love you back, you get fired, you lose a family member. At some point of your life, you're gonna hit rock bottom.

You're paralyzed, you're like, \"Why?\" And that why can really really destroy you. Once you start asking yourself, \"Why me? Why not the others, why me?

I'm actually a good person, I never did something significantly bad, why the hell did it hit me?\" Because that's life.

Life is unfair. Success is not measured on the days when the sun shines. Success is measured on the dark, stormy, cloudy days. And if you can't absorb failure, you're never gonna meet success.


Sometimes it takes things falling apart, for better things to fall into place.

Sometimes it takes the most uncomfortable path, to lead your life to the most beautiful place.

There's gonna be bad days, there's gonna be dark days, but you've gotta embrace it.

Because that pain is what makes you stronger. Failure is what makes you stronger.

You have to accept those down times, because once you realize those down times, are just as much part of life as anything else, you're able to strive again.

You'll never see the purpose of the storm, until you see the growth it produced.

You'll never understand why you went through what you went through, until you see the strength, the power, the resilience that it built inside of you.

Ask yourself why.


But this why is a better why,

\"Why am I doing this? Why am I failing? Why am I even getting myself in a situation where I could fail? Because I have a dream. Because I have goals.\"

And the more you're thinking back to those original goals, the easier it is for you to get back up and say,

\"Alright, it might be difficult, it might be painful, it might be stressful, there might be no people that believe in me, but I believe in myself.\"

You know it might have been the case that you should have gone through that harsh break up, that you should have gone through that heavy loss, just in order to find something even better.


the only way to get to that even better, is to get back up and work. To get back up and put yourself out there again.

And arise from that again, stronger, better, smarter, ready to grasp that new opportunity.

You gotta believe the tables in your life will turn. That pain will become power, that weakness will become strength, and that confusion will become peace.

Better things are coming for your life.

Everyday is a new beginning. It's time for you to start treating it that way.


Ever tried, Ever failed.


No matter, try again, fail again, fail better.


Ihad so many dream, of where I wanted to go, who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do.


You have your own story to tell.


Feeder companies, I wanted to start with classmates.


Movies I wanted to be in, directors I wanted to work with, stories I needed to tell.


Ipacked the life that I knew, with socks and toothbrush into my backpack.


And I slept on couch, after couch, after couch, after couch, at friend's apartment in New York.


Until I wore out the rent paying roommates' welcome.


Ididn't want a day job. I was an actor. I was a writer. I had to get a day job.


Idusted pianos at a piano store on Whitelow Street for five months.


Iworked on the property of a shakespearean scholar for a year, plane weeds and removing bee's nests.


Iwent on unemployment once, but for not for long, I coudn't handle the guilt.

文章来源:《中学生英语》 网址: http://www.zxsyyzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/0827/513.html


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