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来源:中学生英语 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-10-28


Hello, everyone! My name is *** .My Chinese name is ***. I am very glad to join you in this class. I just graduated from senior high school.

Ilike Britain very much, so if I could study in Britain one day, I would be very happy. But my English is not very good now.

So I'd like to improve my English in this class. And very glad to see our teacher Mr***/Mrs*** . Thank you.

Good morning ! teacher , i'm very glad to be a member of the new class,MY name is ___,i like play basketball and tennis in my free time ,

also Engliah is my usually go to English corner on the weekend ,but i know my English is not good enough,I will study hard in the

high school, I think if i study hard i will have a good progress, that's all .thank you!

Hi, everybody! I call xxx, like a challenge and optimistic girl!

Ilike the sunshine, like the green grass, because I was bathed in sunlight, absorb the dew of mother earth, with thick love thriving little vanilla!

This year I was ten envy television host, impromptu speeches is hope my future will be like ju pin sister that the famous anchor.

So I came to the city high school, vice minister of the propaganda campaign, the hope can be in this arena exercise myself, sharpening, constantly to own ideal near!

Iknow it is not easy thing, not only the eloquence practice to thick culture, to wit humor, need to make a comprehensive development of man.

Therefore, I need to do hard work. In precious childhood, I would learn a keyboard, dance, brush calligraphy and painting to enrich their life. Now in addition to learn lessons, my life is colorful, enrich the happiness.

On Saturday morning in this foreign language school to learn spoken English, in the afternoon, evening in zhengda practicing dance in dashan art school sketch. Is my biggest hobby is reading, the father mother bought me a book, read, I have no idea food and sleep.

Ilike reading books, especially the various types of preference for some stories and philosophical because it allows me to realize the truth, many living and studying the confidence to motivate yourself and self-motivated, confront the challenges, Let me also learn to learn cooperation.

And let me know how the society sincerely take care of others, will win friends to help, life is colorful, happy!

As one of the busiest day, my job is richer, happy and confident!

Ialso believe in the school of the larger propaganda on stage, as long as I constantly strive to explore, learn, and I will be in the city, the propaganda department, a star!

文章来源:《中学生英语》 网址: http://www.zxsyyzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1028/667.html


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